Smtp_To In Sap Bods. Prerequisties to use SMTP_To() function SMTP server should be configured on the server machine and Host server and Sender email address should be maintained in SAP BODS Server Manager SMTP Server Configurations 1Installing SMTP Tools in Server To configure SMTP server on the machine the server machine should have SMTP tools installed on it Author Abhilash A.
Sap Bods Technical Reference Guide Pdf Subroutine Metadata from
BODS 42 SMTP_TO Function issue using the function smtp_to () with correct parameters we get an issue so strange We receive the mail with correct Subject but the body is empty! I have checked the file built by the smtp_to function during the execution and it is correct (has the body) but the mail arrives without it.
Configuring SAP SMTP service SAP Blogs
In BODS we cannot attach the report using the SMTO_TO() function Below we will see an example of such activity Current Scenario There is no functionality in BODS to attach a file and send it to user The same can be implemented in BODS by calling a VB Script through exec() function.
SAP Data Services – Mailing Functionality SAP Blogs
Configure the SMTP server and outbound and inbound flow SMTP server Transaction SCOT Set the default domain This domain matches the email domain of the users Outbound View Nodes view Set the outgoing SMTP server Note This is the SMTP server the SAP system will use to actually send the emails Emails get send to this SMTP server and from there they are being send to the actual recipient.
Sap Bods Technical Reference Guide Pdf Subroutine Metadata
Add an attachment to BODS Job Notification email using SAP
4.x to use up Data Services 1819272 Setting smtp_to SAP
Function issue SAP Community BODS 4.2 SMTP_TO
BODS DS smtp_mailerexe smtp to joliver KBA EIMDS Data Services EIMDSSVR Administration/Server How To About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article.