Model Rumah L. Unnes LJ published biannually by the Faculty of Law This journal publishes research and review papers about assessment model supported by Information Technology (IT) learning management system (LMS) development of learning tool and management information system for education View Journal Current Issue Eduarts Jurnal Pendidikan Seni This journal makes.
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The House of Wisdom (Arabic بيت الحكمة romanized Bayt alḤikmah) also known as the Grand Library of Baghdad refers to either a major Abbasid public academy and intellectual center in Baghdad or to a large private library belonging to the Abbasid Caliphs during the Islamic Golden Age The House of Wisdom is the subject of an active dispute over its functions and existence.
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Data analysis was performed using Review Manager Software using a random effects model Effect sizes were reported as odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confidence interval (CI) A GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence was performed Results The literature search identified a total of 1862 publications Of those citations 1776 were excluded after screening.
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