Lade. 1 to lift out with something that holds liquid the cook laded the stew into small bowls Synonyms for lade bucket dip ladle scoop spoon Near Antonyms for lade pour fill 2 to place a weight or burden on the trucks were heavily laden with produce for the market Synonyms for lade burden encumber freight laden load lumber saddle weight.
Lade 494 Bce Livius from
Lade definition to put cargo or freight on board (a ship etc) or (of a ship etc) to take on cargo or | Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Lade Definition & Meaning
lade verb conjugation to all tenses modes and persons Search the definition and the translation in context for “ lade ” with examples of use extracted from reallife communication Conjugate also categorize smell query rest project absolve guard subpoena disregard heighten.
Lade definition of lade by The Free Dictionary
laden (adj) “loaded weighted down” 1590s adjective from the original past participle of lade lading (n) early 15c “act of loading a boat” verbal noun from lade (v) From 1520s as “that which constitutes a load” ballast ladle larboard layette load unlade See all related words ( 8) > Others are reading Share lade ‘cite’ Advertisement.
LADE Wikipedia
lade ( thirdperson singular simple present lades present participle lading simple past laded or (dated) lode past participle laden or laded ) To fill or load (related to cargo or a shipment) quotations To weigh down oppress or burden To use a ladle or dipper to remove something (generally water) quotations.
Lade 494 Bce Livius
LADE Translation in English
What does lade mean? Definitions for lade
LADE Translation in English
Lade YouthLink
Dictionary of English lade
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lade Etymology, origin and meaning of lade by etymonline
MerriamWebster Antonyms of LADE 60 Synonyms &
Conjugation lade Conjugate verb lade Reverso
Wikipedia Bernd Michael Lade LADE English Definition and Meaning
UK English & Definition for LADE Meaning
Battle of Lade Wikipedia
lade Wiktionary
LADE Synonyms: 91 Synonyms & Antonyms for LADE …
meaning Collins Lade definition and English Dictionary
Lade andere ein die aus dem Erlebten lernen könnten Invite others who you think could learn from the experience 3000 Jahre lang haben die Menschen nach der verschollenen Lade gesucht For nearly three thousand years Man has been searching for the lost Ark Ich weiß wo die Lade ist I know where the Ark is Lade und installiere dir ohne Registrierung die DemoSoftware.