Game Nova 3. Great game I love this game I have been with the franchise since NOVA 2 and I love it The campaign is awesome fast paced lots of action and very hard Now to the multiplayer The multiplayer is definitely my favorite part of this game It is especially good considering its on IOS.
N O V A 3 Freedom Edition Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance Game On The App Store from Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance game …
Now I have to play this game called MC5 it’s the only first person shooter game with multiplayer I’ve found Yet I don't spend hours playing it like I would with nova 3 Also I wish Nova 3s microphone idea worked better I like the concept of being able to hear each other as you play.
N.O.V.A. 3: Premium Edition on the App Store
NOVA 3 Freedom Edition is one of the best firstperson shooters you can find for Android The campaign mode is long and entertaining and the possibilities in the online mode are practically infinite 4/5 (123)Operating System AndroidCategory GamesSoftware Version 101d.
N.O.V.A. 3: Freedom Edition Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance game
NOVA 3 Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance Fight in 10 immersive levels across the galaxy from a wartorn Earth to a frozen Volterite city Multiple weapons and powers Run shoot drive vehicles and pilot a mech to defeat your enemies.
N O V A 3 Freedom Edition Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance Game On The App Store
Orbit Vanguard Alliance 3 Near Gameloft N.O.V.A.
N.O.V.A. 3 Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance Fandom
N.O.V.A. 3: Freedom Edition 1.0.1d for Android Download
OverviewCampaignWeaponsNear Orbit Vanguard Alliance 3 (also known as NOVA 3) is the third App icon installment of Gameloft's critically acclaimed NOVA series for keypadbased mobile phones touchscreen Java phones Android and iOS with a planned release for the BlackBerry Playbook coming soon The game was released on the App Store on May 10 2012 NOVA 3 falls into the science fiction actionadventure shooter genre As with many of the actionadventure titles released by Gameloft NOVA 3's 3D version 2D version[] 3D version[] Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance (NOVA) commander and protaganist Kal Wardin receives a distress call from his AI Yelena on the longabandoned planet Earth He crashlands in the city of San Francisco and joins up with Echo One to reactivate communications and fight their way to the NOVA base There he finds out that NOVA has stolen a Judger artifact in the hopes that it could transform Earth back to the habitable planet it was Kal is approached by Promethe Assault Rifle Shotgun Sniper Rifle Lightning Gun Rocket Launcher Plasma Rifle Flamethrower Railgun Grenade Launcher Handguns Mine Chemical Grenade Grenade Melee Disc.